Saturday, 5 April 2014

#1 Citizen Kane

Alright! Here we go! The #1 movie of all time. I was able to finish all of this on time and on schedule - what better way to end the three weeks off between jobs than with the BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!?!?!?!

That movie happened.

Was it bad? No. Was it the best ever? No. Was it good? Meh....not really.

I'll give Orson Welles credit for freaking out the entire world with his radio depiction of aliens invading earth - which has absolutely nothing to do with this film, I just think it's hilarious. But, this movie - while pretty groundbreaking film production wise just had nothing for me.

Rosebud. It's a stupid sled.

There, I said it. Rosebud is a sled.

I honestly don't have much else to say about this - but what are film critics smoking when they make these lists overall? I don't even think Citizen Kane would be in my top 50 of all time. How could it be ahead of movies like The Godfather I & II, Gone With the Wind...hell, even Star Wars????

Well, there you have it. My blog countdown is done. The next few posts will be about my own rankings compared to this list, which actors appeared the most, Directors, etc.

It's been fun. This list really sucked though. Keep an eye out for my own list coming soon. It will be far more entertaining.

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