Saturday, 5 April 2014

#3 Casablanca

Spoiler alert: This was always my favorite movie of all time. Ever since I saw this movie back in University for some reason it just stayed with me. I always used to tell people after they'd laugh when I'd tell them it's my favorite - that this movie was the movie that created all of those 'movie cliches', which means that it itself is not cliched.

It has everything. It's a great love story that doesn't end the way you think it should. War time drama, funny at times, great characters. And overall amazing performances by Humphrey Bogart, Claude Rains and Ingrid Bergman (Paul Henreid doesn't have as much screen time to make it worth talking about).

Sadly, Bogey didn't win the Oscar for what I think is his best performance, all suave and debonair and shit. Instead he had to wait and win it for The African Queen - playing a bum.

The movie centers around an inadvertent rebirth of a love affair when Ilsa (Bergman) and Henreid (married), end up in Casablanca looking for safe passage to America. This being during the war and most of France being occupied by the Nazi's, and Henreid's character being wanted around the world for anti-Nazi type stuff - it definitely leads to some interesting scenarios.

They come to Rick's bar in Casablanca and low and behold, Rick (Bogey) and Ilsa recognize each other as they had a love affair when Henreid was in a POW camp (way to be Bergman...slut).

Anyways, it's a great story with some of the best lines anyone will hear in film. If you ever wondered where they come from, it's Casablanca.

"Here's looking at you kid"
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" (last line of the film btw)
"Round up the usual suspects" (used twice)
"We'll always have Paris"
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine"

And some people think "Play it again Sam" is from this, which really is just a bastardization of when Isla tells Sam to play "As Time Goes By" (great song btw). She really says: "Play it once Sam, for old times sake. Play, As Time Goes By."  Which isn't even close. Dummies.

Anyways, Bogey is the man. That's all I have to say. The man. This movie alone got me into loving this era of the 'good guy' and it just got better after being introduced to Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable. Just go buy this movie.

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