Saturday, 5 April 2014

#2 The Godfather

I don't know how many people in the world haven't seen The Godfather....but whoever they are, they're no friends of least not right now...I'm a nice guy - we can still be friends...I'm sorry.

Man, I really don't know what's better - I or II...they're both phenomenal. You get more sinister stuff out of Pacino in the second one, but the first has just so much going on and some absolutely phenomenal performances.

It's really just about the transition between Marlon Brando as The Godfather to Pacino (his son Michael) becoming the Godfather. Obviously a lot of crazy shit happens in between those two things and some people definitely die.

Let's examine the various ways shall we:

- You've got a few strangulations via piano wire (RIP Luca Brasi,RIP Carlo)
- Gun shots to throat, then head (RIP Cpt McCluskey, RIP Sollozo)
- Gun shot to back of head (RIP Paulie...who rat bastard)
- Car bombs (RIP Appolonia)
- Tommy gun DUMMYING (RIP Santino)
- Decapitation (RIP Horse)
- Shot in the eye with your glasses on while getting a massage (RIP Moe)
- Old age (RIP Don Corleone)
- Shotgun to chest, handgun through blocked revolving door, pistol on stairs, shot while banging (RIP 5 Family Heads)
- Mysteriously off screen (RIP Tessio)

So there you have it, variety is the spice of life.

Funny enough, Brando won another Oscar here but this is the one where he didn't go and had a Native American go in his place, in full head dress to protest the treatment/depiction of Native American's in film.

Also, Pacino was PISSED that he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor while Brando won for Best Actor. I mean, that literally makes no sense. Al Pacino is the star of this film and has the most camera time.

Oh well, at least James Caan also was nominated. What a pimp that guy was, although that female acquaintance at the beginning that he's hanging out with...for lack of a better phrase....has seen better days. C'mon Santino, you're a Corleone...have some goddamn self respect.

Robert Duval makes another appearance on this top 10 - he's getting towards the top of the list of appearances. Very quietly too I might add.

I can't think of many more adjectives to describe this movie, but Francis Ford Coppola really knows how to deliver on this list.

Go buy the trilogy, you don't want to end up sleeping with the fishes.

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