Tuesday 25 March 2014

#15 (2001: A Space Odyssey), #14 (Psycho) & #13 (Star Wars: A New Hope)

#15 - 2001: A Space Odyssey


1968 right?

Yeah this movie is quite the spectacle. I'm far too stupid though to try and 'figure it out' on my first screening. I'm sure there's some evolutionary type stuff in there, rebirth, religious undertones....but for gods sake, can we hurry it up a bit?

If this movie were to be remade in today's world of fast action, quick pace - it'd be done in 35 minutes. Instead, let's tack 2 hours onto that since it was the first of it's kind and just listen to nothing. Watch 'nothing' really happen. The sounds of breathing sound good right? Right? Yeah we'll dominate the box office!

And I'm pretty sure all Kubrick ever wants to do is screw with your head. If you recently just had a pound of mushrooms then all the better. This will be your favorite movie of all time.

Space. It definitely is daunting. Add monkeys and evolution and aliens and a self aware computer with a creepy voice (a Canadian btw, who's only previous acting accolade was playing William Lyon McKenzie...Canada ftw!), and you've got a pretty badass movie. Kubrick truly is an amazing film maker, I just wish he wasn't so pretentious.

This movie is epic, and the last 22 minutes really gave me a headache...I just wish I was wasted or high or something to truly 'get it'. But I guess that's what you get when you watch it at 11am. Visually stunning though, mind fuck for sure.

Watch this movie, but so you know....this is what those final minutes feel like when synced with Pink Floyd.

I'm not joking. This is one of those conspiracy theories that if you play Pink Floyd perfectly against this - it fits satanically.

It really does. And no joke - this is the last 27 minutes of the film.

#14 - Psycho

This Hitchcock character sure knows how to make a great film. His only other entry in this list was far back but still one of my favorites - Rear Window. And where that is freaky and scary, Psycho takes it to a whole different level.

First off, Janet Leigh and the scene that everyone knows. She gets dummied in a shower. And by dummies, I mean stabbed to death.  Let's be honest, even if Norman Bates wasn't crazy, she had it coming to her. She did steal $40,000 after all.

Apart from that, the actor who plays Norman Bates and his mother (spoiler alert), whose name I'm too lazy to go check, is probably the best actor in the whole film. But who cares about actors when you've got an amazing Director like Hitchcock behind the camera.

If you hadn't have seen this movie before, you'd think that the creepiest part would be the shower scene. First, you're crazy because it involves a fully naked Janet Leigh. Second, you're just straight out wrong because the creepiest scene is in the end with Janet Leigh's sister in the film 'meeting' Norman Bates' mother.

Yup. That's some crazy shit right there. Like....check it out, this is from 1960 and you're going to tell me that you wouldn't be scared?

#13 - Star Wars: A New Hope

What can there be said about this movie that hasn't already been said? Obviously enjoyable and one of my favorite movies growing up ever. 

It's just a fun story, you can't beat it. There's not much to add as everyone knows the story. A few observations though. 

- No one can aim for shit.
- The original is better than the 90's remake (which I had on bluray)
- The score is absolutely unmatched and one would be fair to say that John Williams meant more to the Star Wars saga than George Lucas himself (true story)
- Mark Hamill (nee Cock Knocker) is a little bitch (except when playing Cock Knocker...that's a Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back reference btw)
- For a Battle Station as big as a moon....to only send 6 Tie Fighters to stop a potentially catastrophic siege of the Death Star? Yeah....stupid Empire.
- I need more Chewie. 

Anyways, don't have to say much. I love this movie, I love The Empire Strikes Back more but hey, what can you do.

It's also not without it's comedy.

This guys name was Porkins (seriously)

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