Wednesday 12 March 2014

Intermission - Ranking the first 10 movies

So it's been 3 days and I've watched 10 movies. Good for me? Oh well...I wanted to rank them based on how much I enjoyed them, and I'll continue to do this every group of 10 and continue to rank them so eventually we'll have my own Top 50.

For the most part I enjoyed all of them with the obvious exception of Intolerance (cya later), and I wasn't too too sold on The Philadelphia Story. But that's waaaaaaaay better than Intolerance. Either way, here's my rankings with some video clips so you can make your choice as to whether you want to check it out too.

#10 Intolerance - Loves Struggle Through the Ages.  (AFI 49)
                                                Here's the entire crazy movie c/o Youtube

#9 The Philadelphia Story (AFI 44)

Once again, Jimmy Stewart is the man

#8 Midnight Cowboy (AFI 43)
                                                 I'm walkin' here! This was an adlib btw

#7 It Happened One Night (AFI 46)

Clark Gable probably has done better things with his thumb...

#6 Shane (AFI 45)

This kid single handedly kept this movie from my Top 5...see why

#5 A Streetcar Named Desire (AFI 47)

STELLA!! I've got an offer you can't refuse!!!

#4 Bonnie and Clyde (AFI 42)

Owned. Great scene.

#3 King Kong (AFI 41)
Almost as good as the real King Kong vs Godzilla movie

#2 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings (AFI 50)


#1 Rear Window (AFI 48)

Once again, Jimmy Stewart - I applaud you.

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