Monday 10 March 2014

#50 - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings


It's good. I enjoyed it.

Ok, I never read the books. Not one, and while this is a pretty cool looking movie with some good action and obvious religious undertones and all that jazz, I'm not sure I'd put it in my Top 50.

Which I guess is pretty crazy since I know a lot of people that would probably have it in their Top 10. But how come this one is #50 and the other two aren't on the list?

I'm pretty sure I originally saw this in the theatres with some buddies who were no doubt more amped up about it than me. I remember then that there were some definite annoyances with the film that just won't go away for me. Let's go through them, shall we?

Frodo is such a little bitch. Perhaps he was written this way, but since I didn't read the books I'm just going to harp on Elijah Wood acting like a self righteous punk the whole time. Frodo! STOP FALLING DOWN! You'd think for someone with a size 32 foot and who's only 2 feet tall, that your center of balance would be unreal. Get your shit together Frodo!

I'll also not list all my frustrations with Sean Astin since it's not fair that he hasn't been wicked since Toy Soldiers. I really wish Hodor would make an appearance instead.

Dude from Lost who was married to the attractive Canadian from Lost...he's fine. Viggo Mortensen? Also fine. Cate Blanchett is scary as shit as that weird Elf Queen, she should probably stick to Woody Allen films. Orlando Bloom is ok too, pretty badass - and considering he's rolling in it after being in two of the most successful franchises of all time, I'll let anything else slide.

Matrix guy, pretty good at naming things: The companionship of 9 - I shall call you the Fellowship of the Ring! BOOM! NAILED IT!

I feel bad for Sean Bean, who's amazing at everything but always dies. Did you know he was in a bar in the UK, got into a fight, got stabbed and went back into the bar to have another drink before going to the hospital? True story.

As a lead in to the other two movies, and since Return of the King was the only big Oscar winner for Peter Jackson - The Fellowship of the Ring is ok.

Not to mention how wicked this guy is:

Up next? Intolerance: Love's Struggle Through The Ages. 3.5 hrs of silence from 1916.

On a suggestion from a friend, I'm going to allow myself 3 veto's through this process. If I can't handle sitting through a movie after an hour, it gets veto'd. I guess I'll let you know in an hour how this goes....

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