Tuesday 11 March 2014

#48 (Rear Window) & #47 (A Streetcar Named Desire)

Now this list is starting to pick up!

Rear Window is simply a classic suspense/thriller/mystery movie. It's simple in it's format and stars probably one of the best actors ever - James Stewart (friends call him Jimmy). I do have to say that Jimmy (we're friends) and his acting is so effortless. It's like he's just having a good ole time doing something he loves to do, like it's a hobby not a career.

Another little tidbit, Jimmy Stewart had a sabbatical in the middle of his acting career to be an Officer in World War 2, came back, made a bajillion movies - including a ton on this Top 50 list. You just can't contend with this dude. I think if Humphrey Bogart and Jimmy Stewart ever had drinks together and perhaps arm wrestled, the universe would implode upon itself because nothing would ever be better.

Oh, the movie. Here's the gist, and if you remember the Simpsons episode when they buy a pool but Bart breaks his leg and is stuck in his room all summer...that will help. You know, and Ned Flanders screams like a dying woman which makes Bart think that he murdered Maude (RIP btw Maude)?

Yeah, that happened in this movie but Jimmy doesn't have a nice cool pool to take his mind off of it - instead he's got a smoke show girlfriend - Grace Kelly (pictured below in either a 1950's version of Species or Wild Things, can't tell) and a long camera lens. If this were the day of the Almighty Interwebs, instead of solving murders he'd be starting a Porn site. Probably a lot more lucrative. Especially if Grace Kelly was....anyways, I digress.

Really enjoyed this movie. Jimmy Stewart FTW!

Now to the other movie: A Streetcar Named Desire

Complete honesty here. Vivien Leigh is amazing but the beginning of the movie she talks soooo fast that I almost lost it. I understand after watching the whole thing that it completely makes sense, her disjointed and spotty speaking pattern...almost crazy like eh? Total spoiler btw. I actually BBM'd my buddy to say how I wasn't feeling this movie after the first few minutes and was nervous that I might even contemplate another veto. 

Enter Marlon Brando. 


That's all this post should really say. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

Not much else you can say about Marlon Brando in this movie - he's absolutely amazing. I was really just hoping that the scenes without him would end quickly so he'd tag back. Kinda like "don't worry guys, I've got this."

This movie, if you strip away the amazing acting of Vivien Leigh and Brando - this story is standard. Crazy sister goes to live with her younger sister who's husband is a dick. Husband can tell she's crazy and treats her like shit till she leaves. Sister gets crazier.

Shout out to John C. Reilly in his first ever movie as Mitch. Crazy sisters crazy lover. It's really Karl Malden, but pretty sure he delivered milk to John's family home, if you know what I'm saying.

"I've always depended on the kindness of strangers" is a super popular quote albeit misguided. I find most strangers are douchey assholes, at least the strangers outside of the London Public Library where I rented this movie. 

And Brando yelling "STELLA!" is pretty powerful, and I thought it only happened once. Whoops. Pretty much every 17th word is Stella but I guess it's a pretty cool quote. Can one word be a quote? Either way, he's awesome. 

Something to note, my wife asked if Brando was 'that ripped guy' which makes me both sad that she doesn't know, and impressed that he actually is in better shape in 1951 than I've ever been. Actually, both sentiments make me sad. I've got something in my eye...

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