Wednesday 19 March 2014

#30 (Apocalypse Now), #29 (Double Indemnity) & #28 (All About Eve)

#30 - Apocalypse Now

Francis Ford Coppola is 2 for 2 on this list so far. A lot of people don't like Apocalypse Now, I'm not one of them. This movie is amazing, with deep meaning that goes much further than just a pretty bad ass war movie.

At the very least, you have to be in awe of all of the incredible actors that came out for this one.

Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall, Harrison Ford, Laurence Fishburne, Marlon Brando, Dennis Hopper...unreal. All of them with outstanding performances. Marlon Brando is creepy as hell yet somewhat sophisticated in his disturbingly scary and insane portrayal of Colonel Hurtz. Dennis Hopper. Wow, Dennis Hopper isn't in this until the end but he's really 'Dennis Hopper' like.

A lot of people will remember Robert Duvall's role, or at least his helicopters as it's one of the most famous scenes in all movie history - The Flight of the Valkyries leading into "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"

Are there some historical inaccuracies in this movie? Yeah...I sincerely doubt that helicopter brigades would go in full force before anyone else. I also doubt there'd be a midnight USO show, nor Christmas lights all over the place. Regardless, this movie - in my mind - is a masterpiece. That's 2 masterpieces from Coppola so far.

The horror. The horror.

Go see this movie.

#29 - Double Indemnity

So at the beginning of this whole thing, I had heard of all of these....with 1 exception. Double Indemnity. So I looked it up. Old.....great. At least all of the other old movies I had heard of for good reason. But, a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

This movie was something else. An original film noir - some definite dark content. Pretty sexy without being obvious like today. No sex scenes, no swearing but some pretty fancy dialogue with a double entendre every three seconds.

It's pretty normal film noir stuff, but in 1944 it's epic and controversial. An insurance salesman falls in love with a neglected and beautiful wife. They conspire to get her husband to sign up for accidental death insurance (forged) with a double indemnity clause (if you die of certain things you get double the settlement...aka fall off of a train). 

They kill the husband, throw him off a train and look to live happily ever after. Until the guys insurance company starts getting suspicious. Either way, its a great ending and great movie in general. Very surprising stuff. I'd also really recommend this movie, it will throw you for a loop.

#28 - All About Eve
So....I gave this 20 minutes or so. Second veto. Just wasn't my style. Maybe it was the fact that I knew it was 2.5 hours and maybe if it was an hour shorter I would have stuck it out. I couldn't do it here...the perils and social backstabbing that goes on in Hollywood. Big surprise. 

Two things at least. The first is that the nurse from Rear Window is in this. That's all. And the second is that this movie won a ton of Oscars. But hey, the Academy makes mistakes eh? English Patient anyone???

Sorry guys, I couldn't do it. Saved me time though. 

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