Tuesday 11 March 2014

#44 - The Philadelphia Story

So, turns out two 'origins of Romantic Comedies' type movies in a 6 hour time span might be a little too much for good ole Tim.

I wasn't really into this one, with the exception of a fairly hilarious scene involving the incomparable (and hammered) James Stewart, with Cary Grant. I'm not a huge Katherine Hepburn fan either, and what's with ALL of the womens' accents in these old movies??? Attn: Ms. Hepburn, you're from Connecticut. The North East. Not the north wing of Buckingham Palace.

Anyways, back to the movie. Within the first 2 minutes Cary Grant face palms Katherine Hepburn through a door. Started out hilarious, and to be fair - she didn't seem too pissed about the recent domestic. So I was guilt free in my chuckling.  After that, at least for me....it was meh:

Grant and Hepburn get married. Grant and Hepburn get divorced. Hepburn is set to marry some rich dude. Grant gets jealous. Stewart is sent to cover the wedding for some magazine. Falls in love, gets drunk and subsequently jealous too. Calamity ensues.

Well there you have it folks.

Grant delivers a good performance, as he's want to do. And once again, Jimmy Stewart is fantastic and so effortless in his portrayal.With that said, I'll just finish and talk a bit about how wicked Jimmy Stewart is.

Dude only won 1 Oscar (for this movie actually), and an honorary one in his later years, which is pretty unfortunate considering the monsters he's been in. He's also a wicked dude in general, quit acting to join the Air Force in WW 2. Ends up, wait for it, being a Brigadier General. Then goes back to this acting thing. His first movie back from the war? It's a Wonderful Life. Not too bad.

That's like hitting a Grand Slam in the bottom of the 9th, down by 3, in Game 7 of the World Series, with 2 outs, on your first pitch......after not playing for 5 years because you were out killing Nazi's and saving starving babies while burning all known copies of the Justin Bieber Discography.

Yeah, he's wicked. Here's a picture of him being awarded the medal for being awesome.

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