Friday 21 March 2014

#27 (High Noon) & #26 (Mr. Smith Goes To Washington)

#27 - High Noon

The second Western on the list, one more to go. So I thought Shane was the stereo typical Western, boy was I wrong. This. This is the stereo typical Western (at least until the next one I see).

One thing that confused me though, the movie starts off with the Marshall (50 ish) getting married to his Quaker wife (20 tops....not tooo shabby). He goes to leave on his honeymoon but some dude he put away in prison who was supposed to hang....gets let off somehow and is train to mess him up (presumably) NOON! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Anyways, that's the whole movie. Him coming back and trying to get anybody in the town to help him out and shoot this guy. There's only 4 bad guys, like honestly...just set up properly with 2 guys and you could take them out. That's it. But everyone is a big baby. They all bail, which I'm sure is a commentary on America at the time...well at least that's what the Duke said. He hated this movie, so I guess I had to disagree with Mr. Wayne on this one. So literally no one helps him....but he still wins. So there you go.

I liked it. If you need to get accustomed to Westerns, try this one. But just like Shane, don't expect a big shoot em up. Even less violence than Shane, and it's all at the end. But, for those needing celebrities...a young Lloyd Bridges is the new baby Marshall who's a giant loser....I expected more. I appreciated him more in Blown Away.  Remember that one, with his son Jeff, and Tommy Lee Jones? Great movie.

How'd that not make this list?

#26 - Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Jimmy Stewart. Boy oh boy. Don't ever change you charming son of a bitch.

If you hadn't figured it out by now, Jimmy Stewart is my favorite actor...the guy can flat out act and I think he'd probably love to down a pint or two with you and bitch about the AFC North domination...well back in the day. When he was alive. But the guy is the man.

Does everyone remember the Simpsons episode when Lisa wins an essay contest and has to go to Washington to compete in the National essay competition but overhears something that is evidence of Senate corruption? Then she goes to the Lincoln memorial to right herself? Yeah...that's a rip off of this movie.

Anyways, great movie. Partial comedy, partial drama. I just wish it didn't end so abruptly. Also, a great little flick to explain some political know, like what a filibuster is. Pretty much that's what the entire movie is about.

But in all seriousness, when Jefferson Smith is 3/4 through his filibuster against the corrupt Senate, and he needs some help - Jean Arthur sends him a note that, when he reads it, is truly one of the best feel good moments in movie history.

Such a good movie, and Claude Rains plays a great part in this...and he's from my favorite movie Casablanca which helps out a ton.

I immediately bought this movie after I finished watching it. There's a solid chance it's in my Top 3 thus far, if not my top movie.

Jimmy Stewart. Don't go changing. Well, if you could come back to life that'd be awesome. But apart from that, you're wicked and I profess my love for you. True story. Just look at this guy.

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