Wednesday 12 March 2014

#43 (Midnight Cowboy), #42 (Bonnie and Clyde) and #41 (King Kong)

Alright, up first this morning was Midnight Cowboy. So, Jon Voight leaves some dopey Texas town where apparently he's a Casanova the likes of Tim Riggins or something like that. Figures, hey...I could get a job as an actual cowboy, or perhaps continue my seemingly lucrative dishwashing gig...or....screw it, I'm going to bang chicks for money in New York.

Extremely fair point. Let's move on.

So that's pretty much it. He goes to NYC as a gullible cowboy thinking everyone will pay him to ride his longhorn. I'm trying to see how many cowboy sex euphemisms I can get with it. So anyways, this bucking bronco ends up sleeping with a call girl himself, by accident. Letting some dude pull an Alanis Morrisette on his Dave Coulier in a theatre...only to pull the good ole "I left my wallet at home" trick. Oh that gullible Texan Cowboy, NYC owns you.

Throughout all of this he befriends a sketchy Dustin Hoffman. Blah blah blah...he finally bags some lady of the night who pays him, then Dustin Hoffman is about to die from some excessive coughing. They board a bus, go to Florida. Hoffman pisses himself, Voight laughs like only a friend can. They get to Florida, Hoffman dies and movie ends. Boom there ya have it.

The first X rated movie to win an Oscar I'll let you know. And to be fair, Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman are incredible. I can't think of any reason why I didn't like the movie, but to be fair I also couldn't think of many reasons as to why I liked the movie. It's just neither here nor there with me. Back in 1969 though, I can see how this movie would absolutely cause a ton of buzz and controversy so good for them. I prefer Jon Voight when he's a douchey football coach.

On deck today was Bonnie and Clyde. After a little pre movie research it really was evident that this 1967 flick was the first uber violent movie of its era. Which, for this JCVD/Arnold raised kid, a breath of fresh air. Nothing like some good natured bank robbing to liven things up. Throw in a couple gun shots to the head, the eye, arms...a super attractive Faye Dunaway (I suggest you don't Google image her present day though) amazing Warren Beatty and you've got a pretty solid movie.

Everyone pretty much knows the story, and it's standard fare. With a solid appearance from a younger Gene Hackman, who looks the same here as he does in Hoosiers, Crimson Tide, and my personal fave Welcome to Mooseport, I'd recommend this.

The final scene (minus the last 3 seconds) is unreal and even 2014 Tim was super impressed. Later Bonnie and Clyde. Although, watching this movie made me want to watch the Untouchables more...which made me angry it wasn't in the Top 50. I'd probably also take Sean Connery any day over Warren Beatty. Also, every time I looked at Warren Beatty I thought he reminded me of the lead 'singer' of Fun. Which also got me angry as that guy is a terrible singer.

Either way, Warren Beatty rapped in Bulworth. Brutal. But he also is a pimp in normal life. It's 1967 and this dude was Producing these blockbusters. Then decides to make like 3 movies ever again....because hey, I'm Warren Beatty. Suck it. Oh...he also can't get it up in this movie. I'm sure there's some symbolism there...but I don't have time to discuss.

Alright, the last film of the first ten - at #41 was King Kong. I'll be completely honest, I wasn't really looking forward to this as it's really only 17 years removed from the creation of my painful Intolerance experience. But, I do have a King Kong original poster hanging in my theatre room in my basement so I was going to do this.

Holy. Shit. 

As soon as you get over the fact that the effects don't compare to what we have now, this movie will absolutely blow your mind. For a few reasons: graphic violence, crazy effects for 1933, graphic violence, crazy 'action scenes', graphic violence, crazy effects for 1933.

That's really it. The movie goes quickly once they get to the island and I'd be happy to never hear Fay Wray scream ever again. But when no fewer than 6 people get eaten by the Loch Ness monster, Godzilla and a know it's going to be a good movie.

Although my one complaint, and it's not really a complaint I when King Kong kills people. Apart from stomping on their faces...which he does countless times. When he picks them up from windows or boats or wherever and puts them in his mouth to 'eat' them - it's like he just is getting up from a great garlicy dinner at a restaurant and grabs one of the restaurant mints eagerly. Tossing it in his mouth for two seconds only to realize that it taste like Javex, spitting it out. That's pretty much what Kong does. But hey, they die nonetheless. 

Good for you Kong, you don't take shit from anybody. Climb whatever you want. Go have a beer if you want to. It's your life.

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