Sunday, 30 March 2014

#6 Gone With The Wind

THE epic movie. 2 minutes shy of 4 hours.

I have to admit that I never really appreciated this movie. I'm sure somewhere along the line my mother must've forced me to watch it at some point, and at the very least I've seen the majority of it throughout the years.

Watching it front to back though now really puts me in awe of this film.

Number one, Clark Gable is the man. He's definitely one of those guys that you just want to have a few beers with...him and his sweet mustache.

Vivien Leigh is remarkable playing one of the most iconic characters in film - Scarlet O'Hara. Who, by the way, is a gold digging bitch who only cares about money and herself. That's literally the entire premise of this movie - how does Scarlet O'Hara get back to the top of the money heap. And she loves her sisters husband, I forgot to mention that. She goes through two husbands, both die. She gets depressed, mainly because she has no money. Anyways, it pretty much goes like that for 4 hours.

Scale wise, this is epic and truly phenomenal in scope. It won 10 Oscars, pretty much everything except for Clark Gable - which is lame.

Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar - the first African American to do so, playing Mammy. Apparently her and Clark Gable were good buds too, and Clark Gable refused to go to the opening of the show in Atlanta because she wasn't allowed to go. What a good dude that guy.

And you can't talk about Gone With The Wind without mentioning Clark's final line: Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Which is great because he's pretty much just tired of Scarlet's shit. And that's completely understandable because she's a self righteous, pretentious, selfish brat. Her daughter dies, meh...she just wants money and her brother in law. Her sister dies. Same thing. She throws herself down a staircase to murder her unborn child with Rhett Butler. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Yeah. They just need to make a movie about Rhett Butler. More people have to name their kids Rhett.

I'm going to buy this one though that's for sure. Great movie overall, a definitely no doubter for Top 10.

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