Tuesday 18 March 2014

8 days...20 movies later

Let the depravity sink in...

This coming week is going to be difficult as I'm in Toronto for half of the week, and not to mention the fact that March Madness begins on Thursday. So yeah...I'm going to have to focus a lot harder.

But for all of you eager to see my rankings of AFI's 40-31 movies of all time, here ya go!

#10 - Annie Hall (#35 on AFI's List)
Ugh...bathe in the neuroticism

#9 - Dr. Strangelove: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (#39 on AFI's List)
Big leap forward from Annie Hall - too bad Woody Allen wasn't riding that bomb

#8 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (AFI #34)
Being a Dwarf would suck, but they're rich...it's kind of like Hollywood

#7 - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (#38 on AFI List)
Great line. Crazy Mexicans.

#6 - The Sound of Music (#40 on AFI List)
Michael Fassbender, nee Christopher Plummer is the man. Go Canada!

#5 - The Bridge on the River Kwai (AFI #36)
#yablewit Obi Wan.

#4 - The Maltese Falcon (AFI #31)
Bogey, you keep being you buddy.

#3 - One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (AFI #33)
Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd, Jack Nicholson...what more do you need?

#2 - The Best Years of Our Lives (AFI #37)
One of the best, hooks or no hooks

#1 - The Godfather II (AFI #32)
Fredo you idiot

So there it is. Without a doubt, the Godfather II takes the cake - fantastic. Well, it's on to Apocalypse Now...I have a feeling this one will be near the top. Great movie, pumped to watch it again!

As always, feel free to leave any comments - positive or otherwise. Just know that if it's not positive, there's a chance I'll probably eviscerate you :)

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