Sunday 16 March 2014

#35 (Annie Hall), #34 (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) & #33 (One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest)

#35 - Annie Hall, wow. Where do I begin? Well, here's as good a place to start as any I guess....I hate Woody Allen.

I simply cannot stand his neurotic, self deprecating humor. I have no clue why others do but hey, to each their own. Are some jokes funny? Yeah sure. But apart from his humor, the absolute last thing ON EARTH that I want to have enter my brain, is Woody Allen's sex life. How many movies can this man make that center around his need for attention and sex starvation? I simply do not get it. Quick witted dialogue, ok sometimes. It's unique intersection of self awareness in the movie as well as cameo's by Frodo....or Paul Simon, can't remember who - ok, they're cute at times.

But maybe I have some preconceived notions about Woody Allen....frankly because he's kind of messed up (I'm trying to be nice). But hey, if you're into quick dialogue that makes them seem smarter than they actually are, for the mere intention of making you feel stupid or for the audience to believe they're viewing a movie 'on another level' then please continue on to this movie. He's no Aaron Sorkin, that's for sure. Oh, and he's a creep. For some reason amazing actresses like Woody Allen, and tend to bring home Oscars (no actors though...hmmm...strange). Mira Sorvino, Cate Blanchett...I just, don't, get it.

Anyways, in my opinion, I'd rather watch Intolerance...on repeat.

#34 - Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs....muuuuch better.

You'd think that an animated movie from before World War 2 wouldn't be able to surpass Annie Hall. Think again. Everyone knows this story but if you think of how groundbreaking it was, it's extremely impressive.

Honestly though, I can see how this movie would scare the shit out of little kids. Hell, it scared me a bit. A talking mask in a mirror with creepy Halloween voices? A super evil witch? A gold digging wannabe socialite? Ok, so maybe I'm taking this too far, but Snow White...a maid (not that there's anything wrong with that), just wants to fall in love with a Prince so they can move in together into a castle. Not because he's a nice guy, good father, philanthropic, a castle. That's it. 

Then, when she has to flee her home and live in the woods...she breaks into someone else's house. Is nice enough though to clean it, but then invites 50 forest animals in to no doubt destroy it. Deer? Chipmunks? Squirrels? Bird shit everywhere? Are you kidding me???

Meanwhile, the dwarfs mine diamonds or jewels or whatever...and all they care about is money. Although it was pretty hilarious that they allow Dopey to lock the 'vault', and he then proceeds to hang up the key IMMEDIATELY BESIDE THE VAULT. What an idiot. Anyways, they return home to find some gold digging maid sleeping in theirs beds. Somehow they let her live there, probably because they've never seen a woman. Now, she's an obvious gold digger, and these dwarfs surely must have millions of diamonds 'locked' away in their vault. Yet she only ever kisses them on their foreheads, and would rather have a good looking Prince. So now she's a gold digging wannabe socialite with discriminating tendencies. Un. Real.

Along the way, she lets a creepy old lady into the house. Bites an apple, dies/sleeps...the witch dies. Prince comes and kisses her to wake her up. They live happily ever after. The dwarfs meanwhile go back to their seclusion, building their fortune...waiting....planning....until their day comes.

#34 - One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
I'm obviously an idiot because I never anticipated this to be about crazy people. What a dummy.

Some amazing performances in this film, I really enjoyed it. Jack Nicholson is great, Nurse Ratched is also great. Christopher Lloyd, Danny DeVito...great crazy people. For the first 3/4 of the film I was just enjoying the performances as not much else was happening. The last twenty minutes though is fantastic. So great, a bit of a twist at the end - just fantastic.

I can't say too much else about this movie, but I personally think it should be even higher on this list. This is a movie that is built around the actors/actresses - and they're the ones that drive the story. Do yourself a favor, watch this film.

Also, the basketball scene at the beginning reminds me of the 2004/2005 Raptors. Or the 1999 SMCS Spartans. Equally as embarrassing.

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