Monday 10 March 2014

It begins...

Like every good story, it's gotta start somewhere:

I'm going to watch the Top 50 movies of all time according to the American Film Institute. Here's a good pdf for those keeping score at home The Top 100 according to AFI

Where did I come up with this idea? No clue, but I'm sure Bud Light was involved.

Will I accomplish my feat? Once again, no clue. But with a recent change in jobs that's afforded me the opportunity to have three weeks off - I figured why not give it a shot. Nothing says success like doing as little as humanly possible while watching movies that I took out for free from the Library. Oh the sedentary life. Soak it in ladies.

Why am I blogging about it? The primary reason is that I'm bored and it's better than watching Sportscentre on loop for 4 hours a day (sort of). Also, I love movies. I own over 300 but realized that I've really only seen 10 or so of the top 50. Perhaps I expected there to be more Arnold movies on this list (wtf?) but since I fancy myself a blue collar movie buff - I figured this would be a fun thing to do.

Plus, I hate movie reviews. I feel they're all written by people who try to over analyze the shit out of things. I don't really care too often what the Director was trying to say here, or that this is a commentary on blah blah blah. Who. Cares. I just gave this movie 2-3 hours of my life, did I find that a worthy investment of time? Which normally results in whether or not I had fun or enjoyed the movie. I recently saw another blog of some guy who tried to watch the Top 100 (stopped blogging with 3 left to go 2011). I thought his blog was really lame, boring and essentially I could've gotten all of that info from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.

So that's my overall goal here I guess. I might provide some in depth reviews of these movies but that would probably say that I either loved it, or hated it.

With all the precursor stuff out of the way, let's get going!

Day 1 (starting in 5 minutes) should be an epic day. #50 is The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the rings (3+ hours), followed by #49...Intolerance...another 3+ hr SILENT FILM from 1916. This endeavor might be over before it even began.

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